Error codes returned by APIs

Detailed reference of the Dapr API error codes

For http calls made to Dapr runtime, when an error is encountered, an error json is returned in http response body. The json contains an error code and an descriptive error message, e.g.

    "errorCode": "ERR_STATE_GET",
    "message": "Requested state key does not exist in state store."

The following tables list the error codes returned by Dapr runtime:

Actors API

Error Code Description
ERR_ACTOR_INSTANCE_MISSING Error when an actor instance is missing.
ERR_ACTOR_RUNTIME_NOT_FOUND Error the actor instance.
ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_CREATE Error creating a reminder for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_DELETE Error deleting a reminder for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_TIMER_CREATE Error creating a timer for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_TIMER_DELETE Error deleting a timer for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_GET Error getting a reminder for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_INVOKE_METHOD Error invoking a method on an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_STATE_DELETE Error deleting the state for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_STATE_GET Error getting the state for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_STATE_TRANSACTION_SAVE Error storing actor state transactionally.
ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_NON_HOSTED Error setting reminder for an actor.

Workflows API

Error Code Description
ERR_GET_WORKFLOW Error getting workflow.
ERR_START_WORKFLOW Error starting the workflow.
ERR_PAUSE_WORKFLOW Error pausing the workflow.
ERR_RESUME_WORKFLOW Error resuming the workflow.
ERR_TERMINATE_WORKFLOW Error terminating the workflow.
ERR_PURGE_WORKFLOW Error purging workflow.
ERR_RAISE_EVENT_WORKFLOW Error raising an event within the workflow.
ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_MISSING Error when a workflow component is missing a configuration.
ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND Error when a workflow component is not found.
ERR_WORKFLOW_EVENT_NAME_MISSING Error when the event name for a workflow is missing.
ERR_WORKFLOW_NAME_MISSING Error when the workflow name is missing.
ERR_INSTANCE_ID_INVALID Error invalid workflow instance ID provided.
ERR_INSTANCE_ID_NOT_FOUND Error workflow instance ID not found.
ERR_INSTANCE_ID_PROVIDED_MISSING Error workflow instance ID was provided but missing.
ERR_INSTANCE_ID_TOO_LONG Error workflow instance ID exceeds allowable length.

State Management API

Error Code Description
ERR_STATE_STORE_NOT_FOUND Error referencing a state store not found.
ERR_STATE_STORES_NOT_CONFIGURED Error no state stores configured.
ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_STATE_OPERATION Error transaction requested on a state store with no transaction support.
ERR_STATE_GET Error getting a state for state store.
ERR_STATE_DELETE Error deleting a state from state store.
ERR_STATE_SAVE Error saving a state in state store.
ERR_STATE_TRANSACTION Error encountered during state transaction.
ERR_STATE_BULK_GET Error performing bulk retrieval of state entries.
ERR_STATE_QUERY Error querying the state store.
ERR_STATE_STORE_NOT_CONFIGURED Error state store is not configured.
ERR_STATE_STORE_NOT_SUPPORTED Error state store is not supported.
ERR_STATE_STORE_TOO_MANY_TRANSACTIONS Error exceeded maximum allowable transactions.

Configuration API

Error Code Description
ERR_CONFIGURATION_GET Error retrieving configuration.
ERR_CONFIGURATION_STORE_NOT_CONFIGURED Error configuration store is not configured.
ERR_CONFIGURATION_STORE_NOT_FOUND Error configuration store not found.
ERR_CONFIGURATION_SUBSCRIBE Error subscribing to a configuration.
ERR_CONFIGURATION_UNSUBSCRIBE Error unsubscribing from a configuration.

Crypto API

Error Code Description
ERR_CRYPTO General crypto building block error.
ERR_CRYPTO_KEY Error related to a crypto key.
ERR_CRYPTO_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND Error specified crypto provider not found.
ERR_CRYPTO_PROVIDERS_NOT_CONFIGURED Error no crypto providers configured.

Secrets API

Error Code Description
ERR_SECRET_STORES_NOT_CONFIGURED Error that no secret store is configured.
ERR_SECRET_STORE_NOT_FOUND Error that specified secret store is not found.
ERR_SECRET_GET Error retrieving the specified secret.
ERR_PERMISSION_DENIED Error access denied due to insufficient permissions.

Pub/Sub API

Error Code Description
ERR_PUBSUB_NOT_FOUND Error referencing the Pub/Sub component in Dapr runtime.
ERR_PUBSUB_PUBLISH_MESSAGE Error publishing a message.
ERR_PUBSUB_FORBIDDEN Error message forbidden by access controls.
ERR_PUBSUB_CLOUD_EVENTS_SER Error serializing Pub/Sub event envelope.
ERR_PUBSUB_EMPTY Error empty Pub/Sub.
ERR_PUBSUB_NOT_CONFIGURED Error Pub/Sub component is not configured.
ERR_PUBSUB_REQUEST_METADATA Error with metadata in Pub/Sub request.
ERR_PUBSUB_EVENTS_SER Error serializing Pub/Sub events.
ERR_PUBLISH_OUTBOX Error publishing message to the outbox.
ERR_TOPIC_NAME_EMPTY Error topic name for Pub/Sub message is empty.

Conversation API

Error Code Description
ERR_INVOKE_OUTPUT_BINDING Error invoking an output binding.
ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE Error in direct invocation.
ERR_CONVERSATION_INVALID_PARMS Error invalid parameters for conversation.
ERR_CONVERSATION_INVOKE Error invoking the conversation.
ERR_CONVERSATION_MISSING_INPUTS Error missing required inputs for conversation.
ERR_CONVERSATION_NOT_FOUND Error conversation not found.

Distributed Lock API

Error Code Description
ERR_TRY_LOCK Error attempting to acquire a lock.
ERR_UNLOCK Error attempting to release a lock.
ERR_LOCK_STORE_NOT_CONFIGURED Error lock store is not configured.
ERR_LOCK_STORE_NOT_FOUND Error lock store not found.


Error Code Description
ERR_HEALTH_NOT_READY Error that Dapr is not ready.
ERR_HEALTH_APPID_NOT_MATCH Error the app-id does not match expected value in health check.
ERR_OUTBOUND_HEALTH_NOT_READY Error outbound connection health is not ready.


Error Code Description
ERR_API_UNIMPLEMENTED Error API is not implemented.
ERR_APP_CHANNEL_NIL Error application channel is nil.
ERR_BAD_REQUEST Error client request is badly formed or invalid.
ERR_BODY_READ Error reading body.
ERR_INTERNAL Internal server error encountered.
ERR_MALFORMED_REQUEST Error with a malformed request.
ERR_MALFORMED_REQUEST_DATA Error request data is malformed.
ERR_MALFORMED_RESPONSE Error response data is malformed.

Last modified December 13, 2024: Building Block -> API (a3ebf07b)